Monday, September 8, 2014

Step 3

Step 3......start really living.....smell the the ocean waves rolling on shore.....look at the clouds and smile at God's beautiful artwork......gaze at the mountains......kiss your babies......kiss your husband.....kiss your wife......tell the people you love that you love!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Step 2

Step 2 in the battle of not letting everyday life get in the way of really living.  This is an important step also.  Remember step 1was spending quality time with God every morning.  This step involves maintaining an attitude of gratefulness and being thankful throughout the day.  I have learned through the school of hard knocks to appreciate so many more things.  Things like a little squirrel running out in the yard bringing a smile to my face....I thank God for that situation which he orchestrated to make me smile!

So many times, I have been thankful when I drive past an accident, knowing full well that if I had not been delayed a few more minutes at home for some reason, that could have been me in that accident.  It's so important to maintain a good attitude no matter what happens during the day.  Sometimes things catch us off guard and we can become angry or sad or ungrateful and those times happen.....don't beat yourself up.......just don't stay in that attitude for long.....bounce back and purposefully move back into an attitude of gratefulness again.  You will feel much better this way trust me.   Smile!  You are on your way to a much better life one step at a time!

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Has anyone noticed how life tends to get in the way of!  We get up, we go to work, we come dinner....veg out in front of the tv....make lunch for work tomorrow and go to bed!  why....because....that'!  Am I wrong?  I mean something is wrong with this picture.  We need to start living and not or life as we know it get in the way.  I am gonna say lets make a say, "well, Tammy, I don't like change or I would get too stressed out making changes......after all, it took me 15 years to get into this routine and by golly Ima stick to it"!  I say, go ahead and do whatever you wanna have a free will.....but trust me, one day you will want to join us in the land of the living. 

I tend to get stuck in the routine of life all too often and for far too long and I find that God always reminds me that "Hey I'm still here and child you need to live!"  I get stuck in a rut, but God always brings me out of that rut.  When I let life get in the way, I forget about really living....I become robotic so to speak and I'm not a robot!!!!!!  Neither are you!  We are human beings loved by God!

So here do we make these changes to transition back into the land of the living?  I'm glad you asked......step one.....step one always begins with the One who should be first in our lives, God.  starting tomorrow you begin by giving God the first 10 to 15 minutes of your day to just be with Him.  This makes a world of difference in your do I know this......because I know it firsthand. 

But what happens to those who don't believe in God?  Whether you believe in Him or not......He is and always will be.....and if you just ask Him to make Himself real to you, He will.  And He loves you!   Try step one and let me know what happens in your life......I'm looking forward to hearing about it.